
Transparency and Opacity in French and Francophone Literature

Friday, October 14th, 9:00am – 6:00pm

East Pyne 010

9h00 – 9h30 : Welcome Breakfast

9h30 – 11h15 : The Francophone world looks back

Brahim El Guabli, chair

  • Valentine Meydit-Gianonni, Paris IV Sorbonne: “Opaque is the new bright? The Inquisition of the transparency – history, evolution and questioning in Western and world literature, Michaux and Glissant”
  • Lucie Dubail, University of Kansas: “Assia Djebar, l’Amour, la Fantasia entre voilement et dévoilement”
  • Karine Belizar, University of Delaware: “La langue vernaculaire en littérature: Les enjeux de la langue dans la littérature caribéenne francophone : Le cas de Tambour-Babel (1996) d’Ernest Pépin et Koutchoukoutchou (1999) de Frankétienne”

11h15 – 12h15 : Lunch

12h30 – 14h15 : Photography, Modernity, and Literature

Lindsey Richter, chair

  • Julien Defraeye, Université de Waterloo: “Que nous dit la photographie de Paris ? : Ekphrasis et mensonge chez Philippe Delerm”
  • Malte Fabian Rauch, The New School for Social Research: “Transparency and Temporality. Benjamin, Proust, and the Problem of Time in the Novel”
  • Salma Rebhi, University of New Mexico: “L’hystérie au féminin : Quand la littérature et la science font du clair-obscur”

14h30 – 16h15 : Poetic Visions

Macs Smith, chair

  • Jill Owen, Indiana University – Bloomington: “The Bedroom as Portrait-Miroir: Ekphrasis, Balzac’s Bedrooms and Impressionism in the 19th Century”
  • Raphaëlle Décloître, McGill University: “Les errances de l’écriture : Thomas de Saluces et l’allégorie”
  • Liesl Yamaguchi, Princeton University: “Nothing But Nuance: On Paul Verlaine”

16h30 – 18h00 : Keynote Address

  • Thomas C. Connolly, Yale University
    “Televisions, Burials, and Barzakh: Afterimages of Aniconism in North African Lyric.”

18h15 – 19h00 : Reception, East Pyne 305

Program (PDF)