Travel to Princeton

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Quick tips (see below for more detailed information)

  • The nearest and most convenient airport is Newark-Liberty Airport, in Newark, NJ. To travel from the airport to Princeton, you may take the train (NJ Transit), a shuttle van, or a car service. See below for train, shuttle, and car transportation from airport. Shuttle and car services to and from the airport must be reserved in advance.
  • The nearest NJ Transit and Amtrak train station to the Princeton campus is Princeton Station: change at Princeton Junction to the ‘Dinky’ shuttle train.
  • Taxis are usually standing by at both Princeton Junction and Princeton stations. See below for links to car and shuttle services.
  • Princeton University also maintains a page with detailed information for visitors.

Train Travel to Princeton (source; source)

  • NJ TRANSIT and Amtrak (Trains run from Penn Station in New York City as well as from Newark International Airport)
    Amtrak and NJ TRANSIT operate trains along the Northeast Corridor rail line that stop at Princeton Junction. At Newark Liberty Airport, you may take the AirTrain monorail to the NJ Transit’s Northeast Corridor line southbound to Princeton Junction. Travelers can then transfer to a single-car train operated by NJ TRANSIT, known locally as the “Dinky,” for the five-minute ride to Princeton Station. The station is located on Alexander Street at the southern end of campus.
  • Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority
    Travelers from central Philadelphia may take the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA), R7 line, to Trenton, N.J. Riders must then transfer to NJ TRANSIT’s Northeast Corridor line northbound to Princeton Junction and transfer to the “Dinky” to Princeton (see above). From Philadelphia International Airport, take the SEPTA R1 train from the airport to Philadelphia 30th Street Station. Transfer to the SEPTA R7 train to Trenton. At Trenton station, transfer to the Northeast Corridor line northbound to Princeton Junction and the connecting train to Princeton.

Local car and airport shuttle services (source, source)

In order to take a taxi or a shuttle to Princeton (~40 miles from Newark), we advise you to call and reserve with one of the following services. Taxis standing by at the airport are generally for local transport only.

  • State Shuttle (Airport shuttle): 1-800-427-3207
  • A-1 Limousine: 1-888-LIMO-888
  • AAA Taxi: (609) 921-1177
  • King Limo: 1-800-951-2680
  • Associated Taxi Stand: (609) 924-1222
  • B-1 Taxi & Limo Service: (609) 921-2667
  • Princeton Discount Taxi Service: (609) 924-6645
  • Princeton Economy Taxi & Limo Service: (609) 799-9180 or (866) 931-8294
  • R&J Princeton Taxi: (609) 510-5602

Princeton Area Airports (source)

Princeton can be reached via four international airports. The two closest and most easily accessed are:

The two large airports in New York City (east of Manhattan) take substantially more time to reach by car or public transportation from Princeton. They are: